Saturday, December 29, 2007

Links of Interest

I've been meaning to post some cool links I found a while back, these one have to do with photography.

Pallalink If Escher was a photographer, then this is what his photos would look like. Palla is architect and and photographer Kazuhiko Kawahara, who takes his photos of buildings and warps them into kaleidoscopic, mind-frying, vertigo-inducing artworks. For example:

CityShrinker is the project of photographer, Ben Thomas, who uses depth of field and a few other tricks to make city scapes and other daily life portraits into what appear to be scale models of the real mcCoy. The site is flash-based, so you'll have to see it to believe it.

Hel Looks is one of those street fashion websites centred solely around Helsinki. The entire gallery is reminiscent of those Fruits books that featured Japanese fashions that were either really good or really bad. I'm not sure exactly how the Fins picked this up but sometimes they manage to pull it off

Well, you can't win them all I guess.

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